Even though the temps are cooling down, it’s still hard to accept that winter is right around the corner. The cold temperatures that old man winter blows in are chilling to us, but could be disastrous to mechanical or structural equipment that may have been neglected since last winter. Many business and industrial sites deal with problems or issues as they arise, and, while this might seem like the only way it should be done, there are ways to try and prevent problems from happening in the first place.
Since we are heading into the roughest season of the year in some parts of the country, now is the ideal time to consider predictive maintenance techniques. Even if the temperatures in your area stay moderate for most of the year, it is still a good time of year to focus on maintenance and repairs.
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is used to determine the condition of equipment and predict when certain maintenance procedures should be performed. For most of us, we already do something like this with our cars: manufacturers know the working life of parts such as timing belts and will issue a guideline on when the belt should be replaced to avoid serious issues if the belt were to break. The OEM is predicting how long the belt will work so that preventative maintenance (PM) can be performed before disaster strikes.
PdM and PM techniques may seem like a waste of time, but creating a timeline and schedule for equipment review and repair will keep systems in industrial sites in good condition year round. During routine maintenance larger problems may be discovered that require outside resources to fix. At Base Construction, our experience and expertise in process piping, concrete, and structural steel for industrial manufacturing operations allows us to take on many different kinds of projects.
With a team of skilled engineers we can help you with reviewing systems and processes to make sure equipment stays in good condition. If PdM and PM find a problem, Base Construction offers important services and capabilities to help you make repairs. These include:
• Pipe fabrication and installation of process piping in the manufacturing industry.
• Insulation and heat tracing.
• Concrete foundation and slab evaluation, design, and installation for mechanical systems
• Structural steel fabrication and installation services
• Turnkey projects for new and expanding industrial operations
• Mechanical equipment setting
This is the ideal time to perform end of year reviews and repairs to prevent downtime and future problems. Contact us today to learn more about end of year maintenance and repairs.